Morang South Primary School is a committed and unified partnership of teachers, parents and children. We value diversity and strive for excellence. We are committed to providing a high quality education in a cooperative, caring and safe environment. Children are encourage and challenged to reach their full potentialMission

Underpinning our school culture, code of cooperation, and the Social and Emotional Learning program are the values of Morang South. We believe that being connected to a strong set of values helps us to become responsible learners and community participants.
Respect – Treating everybody and everything with consideration and courtesy
This means caring about myself, others and the environment
Learning – Gaining knowledge, skills and understanding through endeavour and experience
This means knowing and understanding more
Trust – Confidently relying on someone believing they will make the appropriate choices for both the individual and the group
This means doing the right thing and being able to have faith in others
Honesty – Being truthful, sincere and open so others can trust you
This means your thoughts, words and actions reflect what you say or do
Caring – Showing concern for others and being thoughtful and understanding of their feelings
This means thinking with the heart
Tolerance – Being fair towards and accepting of other people’s beliefs, differences and opinions
This means finding ways of allowing for and celebrating differences
Cooperation – Working together towards a common goal and being able to work and act positively with others
Our vision for Morang South Primary is to become a vibrant learning community where all members are challenged and empowered to strive for and celebrate personal excellence and continuous growth. The children will become positive, compassionate, able, creative, confident thinkers, and life long, socially responsible learners equipped to thrive in and share the future of our evolving global society.
Morang South Primary School is a committed and unified partnership of teachers, parents and children. We value diversity and strive for excellence. We are committed to providing a high quality education in a cooperative, caring and safe environment. Children are encourage and challenged to reach their full potential
Underpinning our school culture, code of cooperation, and the Social and Emotional Learning program are the values of Morang South. We believe that being connected to a strong set of values helps us to become responsible learners and community participants.
Respect – Treating everybody and everything with consideration and courtesy
This means caring about myself, others and the environment
Learning – Gaining knowledge, skills and understanding through endeavour and experience
This means knowing and understanding more
Trust – Confidently relying on someone believing they will make the appropriate choices for both the individual and the group
This means doing the right thing and being able to have faith in others
Honesty – Being truthful, sincere and open so others can trust you
This means your thoughts, words and actions reflect what you say or do
Caring – Showing concern for others and being thoughtful and understanding of their feelings
This means thinking with the heart
Tolerance – Being fair towards and accepting of other people’s beliefs, differences and opinions
This means finding ways of allowing for and celebrating differences
Cooperation – Working together towards a common goal and being able to work and act positively with others