Shared Practices
At Morang South we work to ensure that all students see themselves as able to learn and achieve, experiencing challenge and success.
We work to ensure that fundamental principles reflecting quality practices are in place with the best conditions for learning being provided. These are known as the Practice Principles.
We work collectively to ensure students are provided with;
- high quality teaching practice
- opportunities for voice, agency and leadership to empower our students and build their connectedness to school
- a curriculum which engages and challenges all students
- deep learning which challenges students to construct and apply new knowledge
- quality feedback to students and parents to inform them about progress and future goals
- highly successful strategies which are known to enhance teaching and learning in schools
- real world contexts for learning which foster global citizenship and understandings
- strong partnerships with our parents and carers to ensure together we reflect strong values on the importance of education and enhance student learning
Learning Experiences
Teaching and learning experiences offered at Morang South Primary school are designed to engage our students. Ultimately, these carefully considered experiences aim to further develop our students knowledge, understandings and skills each day, in every learning session. Learning experiences can include the use of;
- inquiry, investigation, discovery and reflection
- integrated, holistic exploration of topics and themes to develop strong connections
- co-operative and collaborative tasks
- critical and creative thinking tasks
- hands-on materials, models, real world examples, links to community
- a variety of learning spaces and places
- learning technologies, teaching applications, and educational online experts and resources
- learner choice around high-interest areas
- co-construction to form questions, wonderings and develop deeper understandings
- problem-solving
- rich and powerful children’s literature
Classroom Approaches
Our teachers recognise the importance of common approaches to teaching and learning and how these support growth and improve learning outcomes for our students. In the classroom our teachers;
- build on our students’ existing knowledge and skills
- ensure lessons are purposeful and have a clear intention
- ensure students are aware of what they are working toward and set high but achievable standards for each student
- use strategies and resources to promote engagement and motivation
- develop self-esteem, confidence and independence
- provide opportunity for exploration, investigation and practice
- provide feedback on points of learning and misconceptions
- provide opportunity for reflection on challenges, strengths and areas for future development