Getting Involved
Schools are community based organisations and welcome our parents, carers, grandparents and community to help support us in providing the students with a rich, dynamic learning environment. We value people’s contributions, however big or small. There are many ways to get involved from becoming a regular volunteer, joining our PFA or School Council, helping out on special events, to attending showcase evenings and open day sessions. If you are interested in getting involved at Morang South please contact the school office on 9404 1548 to make further enquiries.

Parents and Friends Association
The Morang South Primary School Parents and Friends Association is a friendly, social group of parents, carers and community members who meet regularly and help the school in a variety of ways.
Our PFA aims to:
- contribute to the connectedness and well being of our school community members
- support the development of facilities and provision of resources and programs for our students
- raise funds for the purpose of providing enhancements for our students, and for use by the whole school community
- reinforce and value the importance of family involvement in our children’s education
- promote positive interactions between all members of the school community
Some of the activities our wonderful PFA volunteers run include:
- Fundraising e.g. Sausage sizzles, chocolate and other drives, Entertainment books, raffles
- Special lunches
- Student disco
- Mother’s Day and Father’s Day Gifts
- Student banking
- Colour Fun Run
- Second Hand Uniform Shop
- Book club
School Council Representation
The Morang South Primary School school council is a representative group of staff, parents and community members who work together in setting and monitoring the school’s direction. School council representatives play a key and essential part in the successful governance of our schools.
School councils have three main responsibilities:
- finance: overseeing the development of the school’s annual budget and ensuring proper records are kept of the school’s financial operation
- strategic planning: participating in the development and monitoring of the school strategic plan
- policy development and review: developing, reviewing and updating policies that reflect a school’s values and support the school’s broad direction outlined in its strategic plan.
Other key functions of school councils include:
- entering into contracts for various administrative, managerial and educational purposes
- reporting annually to the school community and the Department of Education and Training
- creating interest in the school in the wider community
- representing and taking the views of the community into account
Further information about what school councils do can be located here.
Morang South Primary School recognises that volunteers make significant contributions to the school community by giving their time and energy to support others. Volunteers’ time, willingness, interests and abilities can complement school programs and provide a wide range of interactions and experiences to support student engagement in school and learning.
Members of our school community who would like to volunteer are encouraged to speak to the office staff or classroom teachers. Volunteers are actively encouraged to partake in school activities, and at times will be invited to do so, including volunteering at school camps. The school will seek to provide a variety of opportunities for volunteer participation, particularly opportunities for parents and grandparents. Morang South Primary School values all volunteers that assist with classroom programs, sports events, camps, excursions, specialist classes, school concerts/other events and programs.
Volunteers will be required to provide Working with Children Checks to ensure that we are protecting our students and meeting our legal obligations under the Working With Children Act 2005 (Vic) and the Child Safe Standards. Further information in regard to school volunteer expectations and requirements can be located in the school’s Volunteer Policy located under the policy section on this website.
For further information regarding becoming a volunteer at Morang South please contact your child’s teacher or the school office.