Wearing the compulsory school uniform fosters pride and connectedness to the school as a community and unifies students from various backgrounds. All students are expected to wear the uniform and adhere to the dress code at all times.
New uniforms are available from our approved supplier, Aplus Schoolwear. They are located locally at Unit 3, Number 30 Heaths Court, Mill Park, and can be contacted on (03) 94364005.
Opening Hours:
Monday – Thursday 9.00 AM to 5.00 PM
Friday 9.00 AM to 3.00 PM
Saturday 9.00 AM to 12.00 PM
Second Hand Uniform Shop
Our Parents and Friends Association (PFA) operate a donation scheme for good quality second hand uniforms and operate a second hand uniform store for families at the school. The second hand uniform store times will be published in the school newsletter. Currently, the uniform shop operates on a Thursday morning from 9.00am to 9:30am in the PFA room (Room 28).
Parents wishing to make a donation can either drop of items to the store during opening times or leave items at the school office. Please ensure that all items are in good condition and have been cleaned. Donations are greatly appreciated.
Parents requiring financial support toward the cost of school uniforms may be eligible for funds through State School’s Relief.