Languages Education – Italian

In Languages Italian, students are immersed in the Italian language by singing songs, dancing, listening to stories and participating in activities that will assist in developing their knowledge of the Italian vocabulary.
Each term students are encouraged to make connections to the Italian language by engaging in activities which are linked to the classroom integrated curriculum. Students will learn words, phrases and sentences to identify various items and themes. They will be stimulated to ask and answer questions that will support investigative understandings of Italian grammar and the Italian culture.
In cultural units, students will discover some of Italy’s famous icons, festivals and traditions pertaining to the Italian culture and way of life such as Carnevale and Italian Republic Day. Many other exciting events and activities are also planned throughout the year, highlighting the importance of learning a language – ours being Italian.
Every second year the whole school participates in Italian Day. This is a celebration of the language and the culture and it is held during Education Week. Students are encouraged to dress up as something representative of Italy, and an incursion is planned for the day.