Prep (Foundation) and Year 6-7 Transitions
Starting Prep
The transition into Primary School is an exciting milestone for our children. Preparing for this transition is all part of a happy, settled start to school. Morang South believes that a positive introduction to school life is imperative to the success of children and parents.
Enrolment occurs in the year prior to a child commencing school. Your child must turn 5 years of age by the 30th of April in the year of school commencement.
Parents and carers of children starting Prep are invited to book a tour and come and meet our friendly staff and learning community.
Prep 2022 Information
Enrolments for 2022 Prep children are available from early April. Parents/carers are encouraged to Book a Tour (if available due to Covid restrictions) to come and meet with us and visit our amazing school.
As part of your child’s Transition to school in 2022 you are invited to attend:
*A 2022 Open Morning in Prep Rooms
*Four Prep Transition Sessions usually held in October and November.
*An Information Night for 2022 Prep Families
*Orientation BBQ and Meet 2022 Teacher Night
*Final Transition Session with 2022 Teacher
Dates for these transistion events can be provided on enquiry for enrolment. Please contact our friendly office staff for further details on 9404 1548. They will be happy to assist you with any of your questions.

Year 6 into Year 7
Transition from primary to secondary school is an exciting time in middle years of childhood. It is a time of both great excitement and for some a little apprehension. Students begin to prepare for great independence, a broadening of areas of learning and new social connections, friendships and groups. At Morang South, we support our students transition with such activities as visits from local Secondary Schools and pre-start visits to the transition school.
Our year 6 teachers will provide parents and carers with details in regard to documentation requirements. Information packs including the Application for Year 7 Placement, are usually distributed to parents early in Term Two. Parents should also be aware of the Secondary School’s transition schedules, activities and events. Information nights or open days are frequently held in Term One or Term Two of the year prior to commencement. Details regarding placement offers are generally distributed in August. An orientation day for Year 6 students is hosted by Secondary Schools in early December.
For some students additional individual transition programs may be put into place, dependent on student need. If parents feel a need for additional support strategies they are encouraged to speak with their child’s teacher.